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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Making College Affordable
Kessya Molina and Nisma Mohammed

Making College Affordable

学生Kessya Molina(左)和Nisma Mohammed(右)享受着不同的道路, 但都受益于免学费项目,以帮助支付大学学费.

While no two students have the same educational journey, many benefit from the same programs, such as the Power of YOU. More than just free tuition for two years, 《MG免费游戏试玩平台》涵盖了学生经历的所有积极方面:学业进步, affordability, belonging, encouragement, involvement, success, and support.

我们问了凯西亚·莫利纳和尼斯玛·穆罕默德关于选择mg电子试玩app的问题, their experiences with the Power of YOU, and the overall impact of both on their lives.


Kessya Molina: 我高中最后一年在mg电子试玩app修了pso. 我真的很渴望获得大学学分,这些学分也可以算作高中学分,而不必上高中. 大四的时候,我注意到学校里到处都是“你的力量”的标语, as well as their page on the school’s website. 如果我想上大学,这似乎是我最合理的选择,因为我的父母都负担不起学费.

Nisma Mohammed: 我不想独自度过我的大学生活,而且我也快高中毕业了. 从那时起,我开始寻找一些可以进一步支持我进入大学(圣保罗公立学校)的东西。. I heard about the Power of YOU through Gateway to College. 他们在办公室发了传单,当我问员工时,他们告诉了我一切.

What has been your experience with the Power of YOU?

Kessya Molina: I realized it feels amazing to be part of the community. To be a part of something. We have new Power of YOU staff this year, and I love them so much due to their kindness, attentiveness, 以及乐于助人的热情——即使我自己都不愿意帮助自己!

Nisma Mohammed: The staff at Power of YOU have been so helpful. 当涉及到课程注册等事情时,他们会陪伴你的每一步, FAFSA, academic support and so on.

How has Saint Paul College impacted your life?

Kessya Molina: 因为mg电子试玩app的氛围,它可以让我专注于我的学业. 当你来到这所学校的时候,你会发现大多数人来这里是为了学习和成为伟大的人,不管他们对这一点的解释是什么.

Nisma Mohammed: mg电子试玩app是明尼苏达州最多元化的学院之一,这就是为什么它是一个美丽的校园. 老师、员工和学生工作人员都非常理解和乐于助人.


Kessya Molina: 这个项目很棒,因为他们不仅能帮你支付学费, 但它们也会激励你参与校园和社区活动. I have met some really cool people on campus, as well as gotten closer to the Power of YOU staff, and been able to have lunch with the school President!

Nisma Mohammed: How can you turn down free college for two years? 高中生应该选择这个项目,因为他们在大学期间提供了很多支持. 《MG免费游戏试玩平台》也会告诉你如何管理自己的mg电子试玩app. 这就像在所有其他学生独自开始他们的第一年之前获得一个良好的开端.

What is your program major? What are your career/educational plans?

Kessya Molina: 为了完成外科技术AAS学位,我目前正在攻读无菌加工证书. 完成学位后,我希望从mg电子试玩app毕业,直接进入这个领域.

Nisma Mohammed: 我的专业是健康科学宽领域理学副学士学位. 我的计划是完成我在mg电子试玩app的两年,然后转到大都会州立大学的护理项目,完成我成为一名注册护士的目标.

Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program

为高中生寻求更严格的学术经验, PSEO为他们提供了在高中就读大学的独特体验. If they meet eligibility and application requirements, 学生可以在秋季和春季学年参加兼职或全日制课程, and their tuition, fees, and textbooks are provided at no cost.

PSEO Eligibility Info

The Power of You

“你的力量”是一个让大学免学费的项目. 它通过州和联邦拨款以及私人奖学金支付mg电子试玩app两年的学杂费. “你的力量”项目根据学生的需要和项目的资金支持尽可能多的学生.

POY Eligibility Info

本文最初发表于2019年春季学院杂志. Download a free copy to read more stories like this one.

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